
Critical Low
High Wishlist
Medium Undecided


New Incomplete
Confirmed Fix Released
Triaged Won't Fix
In Progress Opinion
Fix Committed Invalid


Precise Jaunty
Oneiric Karmic
Natty Hardy
Maverick Unknown
rls-jj-tracking Bug Tasks
unknown  (184)
Bug Summary Package Importance Status Assignee Found Target Created Fixes
canonical-mainstream  (1)
Bug Summary Package Importance Status Assignee Found Target Created Fixes
canonical-ubuntu-qa  (6)
Bug Summary Package Importance Status Assignee Found Target Created Fixes
desktop-packages  (83)
Bug Summary Package Importance Status Assignee Found Target Created Fixes
foundations-bugs  (173)
Bug Summary Package Importance Status Assignee Found Target Created Fixes
kernel-packages  (880)
Bug Summary Package Importance Status Assignee Found Target Created Fixes
kubuntu-bugs  (18)
Bug Summary Package Importance Status Assignee Found Target Created Fixes
landscape-bugs  (2)
Bug Summary Package Importance Status Assignee Found Target Created Fixes
maas-maintainers  (1)
Bug Summary Package Importance Status Assignee Found Target Created Fixes
snappy-dev  (3)
Bug Summary Package Importance Status Assignee Found Target Created Fixes
translators-packages  (1)
Bug Summary Package Importance Status Assignee Found Target Created Fixes
ubuntu-lxc  (1)
Bug Summary Package Importance Status Assignee Found Target Created Fixes
ubuntu-openstack  (22)
Bug Summary Package Importance Status Assignee Found Target Created Fixes
ubuntu-printing  (1)
Bug Summary Package Importance Status Assignee Found Target Created Fixes
ubuntu-security  (16)
Bug Summary Package Importance Status Assignee Found Target Created Fixes
ubuntu-server  (110)
Bug Summary Package Importance Status Assignee Found Target Created Fixes

Total: 000

Column Description
Bug The Launchpad Bug number and a link the the Launchpad Bug.
Summary The 'summary' or 'title' from the bug.
Package The package a bug task was created for relating to the specific bug.
ImportanceThe bug task's importance.
Status The bug task's status.
Assignee The person or team assigned to work on the bug.
Found The milestone during which the bug was found.
Target The milestone the bug task is targeted to be fixed.
Created The date the bug was created the value in parens is age in days.
Fixes Icons indicating if the bug has a patch or branch.

Saturday, 27. July 2024 05:30 UTC   Themes:   DARK   LIGHT